By giving a gift to the BBB Education Foundation you help young people and adults not in the workforce to better understand ethical decision-making. You also help to develop their abilities and aptitudes created through their character in a safe learning environment through the LIFT Ethics Certificate Course.

Ethics is doing the right thing even it is more than the law requires
Your support is appreciated to:
  • Expand the LIFT program to high schools, post-secondary, and organizations serving the at-risk youth and adult population
  • Adapt the LIFT content in the LIFT Ethics Certificate Program to meet the needs of the user groups
  • Deliver the “train the trainer” facilitator courses
  • Develop more education sector and the business community partnerships for mentorship, training and employment opportunities.
  • Promote and cultivate workforce interest in ethical decision-making training, including building a resource bank of decision-making articles, ethical dilemma scenarios, discussion forums for both teachers and Ethics Certificate graduates.
  • Operating funds to expand the LIFT program virtually in remote areas in the Province of Manitoba Scholarships and educational grants to offer free programs for organizations throughout Manitoba.
  • Research funds to determine the long-term effects of the LIFT Program


Cheques are made out to the BBB Education Foundation of Manitoba Inc.

Mail to: 1030B Empress Street Winnipeg, MB R3G 3H4

BY BANK TRANSFER – please call 204-989-9010 ext 105 for details.



Leaving a contribution in your will means you play a vital role in creating an ethical workforce and workplace for tomorrow. Your commitment today will make an impact tomorrow. 

Types of planned gifts include:

Bequest/Will – A gift stated in your will in the form of a designated amount or percentage of your estate.
Gifts of life insurance – A gift that names the BBB Foundation as a beneficiary of life insurance policy proceeds.
Gifts of stock and securities – A gift of publicly traded shares or securities donated to the BBB Foundation not subject to capital gains tax.

Corporate partnerships/sponsorships for programs and events

Interested in becoming a corporate partner with the Foundation to help promote ethics education?

For more information:

Call 204-989-9010 ext 105 or email [email protected]

Gifts of all levels make a difference. Gifts over $20 receive a tax receipt for 100% of the donation.

Interested in becoming a corporate partner with the Foundation to help promote ethics education?