Creating a better workplace with LIFT

That person who annoys you, the unreasonable task that’s always left on your plate, and the competitiveness that drives away teamwork — these are all things we thought we’d outgrow when we graduated high school.

Yet these issues often surround us in the workplace, forcing us to decide how to deal with them. They range from daily dialogue with colleagues to major issues in our lines of work. Knowing what to do, and how to do it becomes a major determinant of success for both the employee and the business.

That’s why the Better Business Bureau Foundation is launching its LIFT program for post-secondary students and business employees.

LIFT is an educational program in ethical decision-making, teaching people how to think through choices before making them. It dives into different approaches to making ethical decisions, and shows people how to align their values with their actions and words. LIFT teachers also broaden participants’ thinking to show them the ramifications of their choices — and there are many that are often forgotten.

LIFT does this all in a five-hour, one-day interactive program.

Many companies already offer some form of code of conduct training. Employees often moan about hour-long web sessions that remind them to “be respectful” and “keep company information secret.” But an in-person education program that plunges employees into the foundation of ethical decision-making can be far more successful. It engages people, allows them to ask questions, explores the “why” and “how” aspects of ethics in a way most mandated web course don’t. When employees make ethical decisions, they contribute to a culture of trust, reliability, and respect. It’s no secret that these are the cultures that best benefit employees — who spend many of their waking hours at work. What’s beneficial for the employee is also beneficial for the organization.

A winning culture isn’t a cutting, competitive one. It’s one founded on ethics.

“Success isn’t bred in meetings with a few of the company’s executives. It starts on the ground floor, with a working environment employee are happy to be in. And that happiness is created by the ethical decisions made by every employee and manager,” says Len Andrusiak, president and chief executive officer of the BBB serving Manitoba and northwest Ontario.

Previously printed: Better Business Bureau Posted: 08/7/2018 11:09 AM Winnipeg Free Press